Building Resilience: How Not to Give Up If You Don’t Get the Job

Your resume may be impressive, you may have got the right home inspector certification, or the necessary qualifications for the jobs you are applying for, your cover letter may be spot on, and the interview might have gone well. But you didn’t get the job. You move on, see a better opportunity, but get rejected for the job again. You move on again. You’re frustrated, but you should see it as a learning opportunity. Resilience means not giving up-it’s an important trait to have and develop.

When looking for a job, the process can be discouraging if you’re not fit for it or in the right pay range. If you don’t get the job, it can be hard to take it in stride. But instead of giving up, building your resilience could make all the difference.

Getting a job can require a lot of persistence. You might not even know what job you want, but knowing that you want one and that you’re willing to put in the effort to get it is the first step. If you aren’t currently employed, you should look into building your resume. This is an important step on your journey to finding a job. You might have gone to college to get a degree in a specific topic, but it’s important to have other skills, as well.

What Is Resilience?

Being resilient means that you bounce back from when something unexpected happens, and keep going. You aren’t thrown off course by something that could have happened but didn’t. You might be disheartened, sure, but you don’t give up. Being resilient means, you don’t let life’s obstacles stop you from getting what you want. And finally, resilience requires that you get back up and try again when you’ve hit a bump in the road.

Always remember-it’s not personal

When it comes to a job interview, it’s hard not to feel discouraged if you don’t get the position. Maybe you didn’t meet all the qualifications, or maybe the employer just decided not to hire you. But as with most things in life, negative thoughts only make it harder to get what you want, so it’s important to remember: It’s not personal. You might be missing out on opportunities, but there are plenty of other doors that will open for you. Try viewing rejection as a sign that you need to refine your skills and approach to get what you want.

Try To Have Several Options on The Go

If job hunting is frustrating, imagine how it makes you feel to think that you’re qualified for a job, but you don’t even get an interview. But you don’t just want any job, you want the job you love, and you feel that your current job won’t give you the chance to learn something new and diversify your skills. However, it’s quite common that employers are doing all they can to fill positions and will have no choice but to move on. So, keep attending interviews and have multiple options on hand. Do not attend just one interview and wait for the results.

Take It as An Opportunity to Learn

It’s scary looking for a job. There are so many people in the job market, and the competition can be fierce. Not everyone who applies gets hired, and that’s okay. If you’re searching for a new position, don’t give up if it’s difficult. Instead, try to see it as a learning opportunity and see if you can pick up new skills while waiting for the next interview or offer. There are plenty of online courses you can take to upskill yourself.

Allow Yourself to Feel Sad

Your job search may be over, but that doesn’t mean your period of joblessness has come to an end. Even if you had a great interview, the company decided not to move forward with you. While you may feel disappointed, it’s important to remember that rejection happens to everyone and that it’s okay to feel sad. Don’t let it get to you, and don’t let it stop you from applying for other jobs.

Keep Things in Perspective

When faced with disappointment, it’s easy to feel defeated. You didn’t receive the job you hoped for, and your low self-esteem and low confidence will likely lead you to give up. But that’s the wrong attitude to take. Rather than focusing on your disappointments, focus on the successes that have occurred. Think of all the times you impressed your interviewer, how you learned a new skill or got a new certification, or what you learned from your internship. Remind yourself of all those things that went well, and you won’t feel so down.

Build Yourself Up

We’ve all experienced the disappointment of putting our best foot forward in a job application, only to be passed over for someone with more qualifications or experience. It can feel like our dreams of landing that job have gone up in smoke. However, it’s important to remember that rejection is not the end of the road. To improve your prospects and advance your career consider upskilling. By investing in courses and training programs like the one offered at, or some other subject matter that is tailored to your field of interest, you can acquire new skills and knowledge that make you a more competitive candidate. Upskilling can not only enhance your resume but also demonstrate your commitment to personal and professional growth, increasing your chances of success in future job opportunities.

Besides this, work on your self-presentation skills, and improve your resume and cover letter to land a job. Even though you might be lacking in experience, the way you present yourself in front of an interviewer can increase the chances of getting selected. You can also take the help of professionals with expertise in designing and writing resumes and cover letters, such as the ones available at Cultivated Culture could work in your favor. So, don’t give up just yet. Keep building yourself until you get your dream job and reach the threshold you have set for your career.

Job interviews can be nerve-wracking affairs. But no matter how you feel when the big day rolls around, you have to remind yourself that interviews exist to help you get hired for a job, so never give up if you don’t get it. There are plenty of reasons you should continue to apply for jobs that you are interested in. Don’t give up!